I am Natlely

I am Natlely

Saturday, October 11, 2014

The Kurang Ajar / Know-Too-Little-But-Act-Too-Much-Attitude

The Kurang Ajar / Know-Too-Little-But-Act-Too-Much-Attitude

                I think we’ve all encountered people like this in our live; some on an occasional basis; some maybe more. What I want to share here is on the bouts I’ve had with certain people I’ve come across in my life (Which is still a journey to finish since I’m 28 years old this year), with very little brains and too much pride.

1. “I really don’t like certain dog breeds”

When I type the above heading, I’m actually talking about so called self-proclaimed experts who suddenly has an opinion on our furry friends. You see, such people are not only rude, but also about as smart as a peanut I found in a jar. I’ll share one particular scenario with you, my dear friends:

Just a very routine hang out with a couple of friends, I am still me, my friend is A, and the other friend is B and so on.
We were having a conversation about certain dogs and my friend A, tells me about the dog breed she prefers. Bear in mind that this block-head never had a dog in her life, except perhaps, her relative owns one, and whom I doubt knows nuts about how to keep a dog.
“So your dog is a (Insert breed name)?” She asks.
I nodded, happily sharing because I’m a dog lover. “Yeah, dogs are amazing, really sweet too,”
“I really don’t like (Insert dog breed), they’re so noisy!” She exclaimed with dramatic intonation.
I could barely contain my urge to roll my eyes and give her a piece of my mind, if we weren’t friends. You accept your friends, albeit how judgmental or how smart they think they are, but actually aren’t.

This is not the only time I’ve had a brainless friend tell me the same thing. Some brainless person has told me the same thing about certain dog breeds I’ve owned.

Now, first thing’s first, tell me a dog breed that doesn’t bark or yap. Dogs are born to bark, just like how we are born to produce sounds with our vocal chords. If you’re unwilling to put up with the occasional yapping or whimpering, you’re better off owning a hamster, which screeches when they’re displeased or are fighting, trust me because I’ve had a litter of them before.

I was raised with dozens of dogs, literally. In fact, I was raised in a family of dog lovers, owning at least 2 at any given time. We’ve had Rottweilers (Both Australian and German breeds, which the media gave a bad name to), Boxers, Terriers, Shepherds, Huskies, Mastiffs, Bichon Frise (s), pomeranians, big, small and tiny breeds. As long as I’ve lived, I’ve had dogs. The breed that we loved the most would be Rottweilers because we’ve had them for a really long time. Despite the stereotype being poured here and there saying how vicious and horrible Rottweilers are, you’d be surprised to know that I started playing with 5-6 of them since I was a kid. I even take afternoon naps with the few that sleeps in my living room. I was about 5 at the time. They were especially loving and sweet, never once even nipping me by accident. Even after literally decades of having the same breed all the while, I wouldn’t dare say that one type of dog breed has the same attitude as another. And here comes my Airhead friend (and I can’t even call her a bimbo because she isn’t very pretty) who is making comments about what type of dogs make the most noise.
Let me give you a lesson, my airhead compadre, even experts in dog behavior tells us that every dog is different from another in terms of attitude. Certain traits are only given as a guideline. All dogs come from a common ancestor and are interbred to form this many breeds you see now. Certain breeds are continued so as to keep traits the breeder likes and be used for different chores, but not every dog of the same breed has the same attitude.

So please, keep your opinion to yourself when you know nothing about dogs.

2. For me la, I won’t choose what you chose, because it’s not worth it.

I think you know this type of behavior. Let me give you an example: you just purchased something which you think will be useful for you or that you will enjoy using. When being asked, you tell your friend that yeah, you bought it. And being an easy-going individual, you share your joy by telling them what you enjoy most about your newly owned trinket. (It could be a car, it could be a tasty meal, it could be a nice handbag, it could even be a pair of shoes or a trip)

Your friend, being the smart ass she thinks she is, gives you a piece of her mind. If it’s a car, she tells you it’s not an asset, it’s a burden. That is why she takes the public transport to work, or that she has a better car choice than what you have bought (Bear in mind you did not tell her that your car is the best in the world or what). If it’s a trip, she tells you it’s not worth the money, and that she could have gotten a better deal if it were her, because SHE IS SUCH A SMART ASS when it comes to expenditure, and if it’s a bag, she’ll say, oh it’s not that expensive, you can get it online with a deal. Also, if it’s a good meal, she’ll tell you she could use that much money and spend it elsewhere.

Uhm, listen here bitch, it’s my money and I would like to indulge every once in a while. I don’t judge you when you spend your money on useless things elsewhere. I bought a car because my work place is not accessible with public transportation easily ( don’t teach me about public transportation, I moved to Kuala Lumpur a few years earlier than you to work and study, I’ve been taking public transportation since then, smart ass).

Btw, my boyfriend bought me the bag, Just because your guy isn’t a gentleman and would COUNT EACH AND EVERY CENT when he buys you a gift doesn’t mean mine will. YOU SHOULD GET ANOTHER MAN so you don’t feel inferior when talking to me.

Also, if you think my guy spending a few hundred “2-3 times” in a year to eat better food in a better restaurant on a special occasion is dumb and the money could be put to better use, THAT PROVES YOUR MAN IS A STINGY PIG. AGAIN, PLEASE GET ANOTHER MAN and stop feeling inferior when talking to me.

My dear brainless and jealous compadre, it’s not because it’s not worth it, it’s just because “YOU ARE JEALOUS”.

3. It’s not that I am more stupid than you, it’s just that I didn’t revise as much as you.

Let’s put one thing straight here, I actually agree with the statement above. These are usually lines used by people who either failed their exams, or has not scored as well as you did. They say these lines because they want to feel as though they’re not inferior.

I don’t disagree with it. No one is born smart. I think it is all about effort and hard work. However, by not disagreeing does not make me think you’re any lesser a very uninspiring, dull and lazy individual. You have so much time to think up excuses but you couldn’t put that effort to good use and brush up your intellectual skills, so that explains why I think you probably shouldn’t be a human. Maybe, you can be livestock. That way, all your work requires is that you eat and wait to be slaughtered.

4. I don’t need to be a top student to be a millionaire.

Again, another cliché. Also, used by people who are incessantly jealous or inferior even when not provoked. Let’s see, most successful people in the world had education in their background, no matter how little. Mark Zuckerberg graduated from Harvard. Einstein, contrary to popular belief was an above-average student in university. Bill Gates, the richest person in the world, scored 1590 points out of 1600 on his SAT to qualify for Harvard. Tell me, my dear friend, which one of these successful individual aren’t educated or are top in their studies?

I don’t deny that there are a handful of uneducated men who are millionaires, but what do you think these millionaires tell their children? Don’t study? You can be a millionaire like me without studying? Go figure.

You don’t have to be a top student to be a millionaire, yes…just graduate from high school and go buy a lottery ticket, you might have a chance.

5. You think you’re so smart just because you graduated from University and I didn’t.

Now, now, I don’t think people who graduated from university are any smarter than people who didn’t. However, if you are to blame your misfortunes or your lack of intellect and reason on not graduating from university, then I do look down on you.

By using the sentence above, I think your lack of exposure is appalling. Going to university doesn’t make you smart in everything, you are probably more well versed and trained in the field you chose, and probably acquire better concepts or reasoning, depending on the major you have. So don’t blame me for thinking you are an idiot.

This is not because you are not educated, but because you blame your inability to reason on your lack of education. Please do not mix intellect in a certain field with intelligence or reasoning, it has nothing to do with that. You cannot win an argument by throwing around excuses like that. Instead, maybe, try to apply simple mature thinking and reason on whatever topics you’re trying to debate, then maybe you’ll find that this world is not as small as a peanut shell, my friend.

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