I am Natlely

I am Natlely

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Another 5 situations u don't wanna be in

There are situations in life that u wished u'd erased ur memory from or u really don't want to be in.This is a compilation of things I think every one of us should avoid...at all costs.

1.Ur a handsome chap that got lucky in a club...some hot chick with a great body was letting u hit on her left n right.She has the nicest smile,longest legs,fairest skin....until she spoke n u found out she has the deepest voice...because she's a he.

2.You go to the public loo to take a dump.And found urself stuck to the toilet seat because some rowdy kids decided to put super glue on the seat just for a joke.U asks for help n the guy in the next cubicle starts dialing for the fire engine. Btw, this happened to a real life American.

3.U were late to work n u came up with an excuse while deciding to have a nice breakfast before going in. U call ur HR n says ur sick while the guy sitting opposite u looks at u. When u walk in to the office, u found out that the guy is ur new dept head.
4.U go for a drink at night with ur friends n u started getting trigger happy,downing every drink offered to u. The next morning u wake up with a massive headache and found a guy in ur bed. He turns to u and u realized it's ur buddy and he's gay.

5. Ur gay and handsome, u meet another guy who's gay and handsome too. U guys hit it off and exchanged numbers. U return home to a normal family that doesn't know ur raging homosexuality and they introduce u to a cousin u've never met. U know who it is.

I hope u had fun reading this...Au revoir dear readers^^

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