And before I go on, I'd like to tell the readers of my blog to please not state ur opinions here if they're rude. Btw, I know some of you are gonna say things like "Ahh, but u eat chicken and they bring a lot germs,diseases and some other shit, so what differences do a cockroach or lizard makes?" Dude, if they're so good and u think u wanna try it,please feel free to cos the rest of us conservative eaters would like to stick to our own dishes.Besides, just in case you'd like to comment, I don't take poultry,red meat; only fish and certain types of seafood. Reason? I can't stand the taste and smell after some time. Don't ask me why, I don't really know.
The cockroach deals in Japan.
I switched on to the AFC channel while they're airing dining with death segment. Worst thing ever to happen.
There were this couple of japanese housewife and husband. As the above suggest,they're into cockroaches. I don't know about the rest of you but I have developed a great phobia for these nasty bugs.
One ever walks past me and u'll see me scrambling for help, sometimes screaming sometimes totally mum because my throat just constricts itself.
that's a real phobia ok...check it out.
Anyway, this couple, the husband was raring them. Crazy!!! they were crawling all around his boxes with egg crates.Damn it!He was feeding them too like how he would a chicken.Man, are u serious?A cockroach farm???
The worst part?the preparation. They were frying them and shit. Putting them on tofu and adding soy sauce. Dude, u need to see a doctor.
Then's when it got me really offended. These guys were decorating the cockroaches on carrot slices. Ok, let me get this straight, why does he think that putting cockroach pieces on carrot slices would make them any more tastier than it already is? It's not like bug with carrot slices would make a better dish than just bug itself.
Im like...fark!!!!Goosebumps were breaking everywhere because of it.
Then there's the other thing...
Ratz in Vietnam
My dad will be so skirmish if he ever saw this. Like some of us, he's developed a phobia for rats. Fortunately for me, I actually find them very cute.Which was what makes us both ponder the same thing "Why the hell would they wanna eat ratz??"
Dude, rats were eaten because there's war, or some shitty event where food were scarce. Does last option make no sense to you? How are they making it into delicious and sought after meals now?
I'm sorry, I don't really care what u think but dude, I'm not eating a rat.I'll eat a tree bark before I start on any rodent feast.
Anyway, it's up to you to think about this whole thing.I'm not really interested in whether they're good for u or scrumptious or if ur an exotic food lover, u might wanna try these out. Don't count me in cos I'm not interested, as mentioned above.
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