In the TV series Gossip Girls, Serena is played by Blake Lively and it is truly a character well played and portrayed.The amount of teenage girls and Not So teenage girls who starts copying the dress style and starts wearing headbands over their fringe will tell the story.
PS- Honestly, the hair band thing freaks me out.Isn't it used to hold back ur fringe?Now its like a fashion gone wrong with every girl wearing it just to frame their heads=.=!!!
In the books, Serena is described as the most beautiful girl in New York, Serena is often seen as a threat to the other girls as she is mysterious and beautiful. Serena has a nail-biting habit and also cuts her split ends off herself, mainly during her classes at Constance Billard. Though exposed and aware of the ongoings in the fashion world, Serena, unlike Blair, is not as meticulous about her fashion choices and wardrobe. She is described to have an effortless way about her. Serena is charismatic, charming, talented, funny, kind, care free and laid back. These attributes help Serena to thrive and often attract men.
In the series however, it shows the changed Serena who came back to make things better and become the true soul mate of Blair Waldorf. In fact, she's much more likeable in the show than she is in the book series.
Compared to her, the character of Blair honestly showed less charm and honestly is a little dull. In fact, Blair was shown as a selfish girl that only thinks of herself and when she wants something, she just wants it. She hates Blair because she's beautiful and charming. Honestly, its jealousy.
Serena proved herself worthy of change and love, most of the time thinking about Blair's social life more than her own. Most people sees her as just another pretty face and bimbo attitude but she has proved herself so much more than that.She even got into Brown^^
Sometimes, I'm not sure y ppl seem to like to stereotype but honestly, not everyone has rich parents to support them in school or pay their fees for them,or that they have to think that every pretty girl has to be the bimbo type.
Honestly,are geeks truly the only type that u guys find that are dilligent?Swt=.=!!!
I loved season 4 of Gossip girls and well, many of the characters are wonderful although I still loved Serena the most. She truly shows ppl that no matter how screwed up your past is,you can always rebuild it from scratch.
I'm a fans of GG :) Keke.